Ask a Question
  • what is the distance for scoreboard remote?

    Hello Rick, its well over 300 ft

  • What type of remote does this board come with? Have a picture?

    Hello Jordan, it comes with a smaller remote.

  • I work at a school and was wondering g if I could get a quote for two of these after shipping and all. I would have a tax exempt number. Thank you


  • can I get white light bulbs?

    Hello Scott, no sorry only red LED lights.

  • Why would the home team ever be listed first on a baseball scoreboard? I would stay away from the models with this manufacturer error.

    Hello Chip, Its totally up to you and how you want the scoreboard customize.

  • What does well over 300 ft mean ? Our scoreboard is 385ft from home plate, score keeper is another 30 feet behind home plate. Will the remote work ??

    Hello Mark, 500 ft is the recommend distance.

  • What would be a normal contractor mark-up on a scoreboard?

    Hello Mark, we are not sure what a contactor would charge to install a scoreboard. Ever contractor is different.

  • does this board have ways to put sponsorship on top or bottom of board. and if we where to order it within a week or two. How fast would it get here. as our season is about to start in March.

    Hello ricardo, yes this board has the options for ID panels for the top and bottom. The lead time is 3-4 weeks once the order is placed.

  • Cost of the remote with a new board

    Hello Jim, the cost of a new board with remote is the current price that is listed on our website. Shipping is free and no sales tax for most states at this moment.

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